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Our team

We work together with the following partners from the International Wilderness Association (german abbreviation: IWV) to organize and execute tours:

AS Die Abenteuerschule Suhl
(english: the adventure school Suhl)
Jörg Rädel und Kai Filbrich http://www.abenteuerschule-suhl.de/
FK Funkajaks Andy Schultz http://www.funkajaks.de/

Simply Wilderness (SW) - this is initially Eljakim (short: Kim) and Daniela Seemann.

Kim Seemann (Qualified Wilderness Guide IWV and DiKA canoe guide) is responsible for tour guidance and Daniela Seemann (International Management Assistant) is responsible for guest organizational issues. Together we plan the tours for our guests!

But without the support of our friends and family we could not run SW as successful as we do. Thanks to all of you!


Eljakim Seemann, Qualified Wilderness Guide IWV, Dipl.-Betr.wirt(BA) i.e.
a kind of MBA, year 1970:
Daniela Seemann, International Management Assistant, year 1971:
I grew up on the country side and came to the boy scouts at the age of 18 years.
At the same time a became a member of the
DAV (German Alp Association) and
learned how to climb on rocks and glaciers/ice. As team and tribe leader of the
German Royal Rangers (boys scouts)
I lead and trained kids, teenies and adults.
After finishing my MBA - German Dipl.-Betriebswirt (BA) - I  became an instructor
and did training for (IT) businessmen
. In 1994 I started as a co-founder and manager 
in a midsized company group and worked for
5 years in the building industry and
real estates as well as 3 years
alone with software development. In 2001 I founded
an IT system integrator
with 4 other partners. In my daily life I work as a software
architect or project manager for companies
like Daimler, German Bank / Post etc.
In the IT system integrator I am responsible for sales and marketing. My passion is
Leadership for people in teams as well as agile project methods
as a certified SCRUM-Master.
I have started guiding group tours into wilderness
since 1990.
At Simply Wilderness I am responsible for training guides, (still) guiding
the tours and leading events
. I am year 1970, married to Daniela, father of two sons
and live in the are of Karlsruhe (Germany) at the foot of the beautiful black forest.
As International Management Assistant with main focus on
event management I am organizing

events and exhibitions of all sizes  (up to some thousand participants).
I have advanced my passion in event organization through different operations
in national and international companies of profit and non-profit areas
Currently I am an o
perations manager and lead a team of 12 colleagues.
My love and
passion for sweden has brought me to SW
and I am able to show it to our guests in organization and catering
My daily claim is to enable exciting journeys by excellent organization

because the adventure shall start not earlier than the journey itself!

Here you see my certificate as "DiKA Canoe Guide" (DiKA = german Die Kanu-Akademie, i.e. english: Canoe Academy):



Simply Wilderness
Eljakim Seemann
Certified wilderness guide (IWV) with certificate
DiKA canoe guide 1 + 2 (until 2017-12-31) with certificate
Member of the Internationaler Wildnisführerverband (i.e. International Wilderness Association, german abbreviation IWV).

Seat of company:
Bergstrasse 15
D-76307 Karlsbad
Tel. +49 (0) 7202 - 40 50 85
Fax +49 (0) 7202 - 40 50 86
E-Mail: info@simply-wilderness.com

FB facebook.com/simply.wilderness

German Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE190396065 (VAT Identification Number)
Bank account: IBAN DE33660912000166915007, BIC GENODE61ETT

Please pay attention to our terms of use as well as terms and conditions (Sorry, both are in german only. Please use http://translate.google.de/, enter the URL of this page and read it!).

Our public liability insurance is covered by the German Savings Bank Insurance. For (german) details please look at http://www.hhbock.de/dienstleistungsinformation.

Here you see the proof of my successful education as "Qualified Wilderness Guide IWV" (IWV = german for International Wilderness Guide Association).

The scopes and length of the education can be found on http://www.wildnisfuehrer.de/files/Ausschreibung-Wildnisfuehrer--IWV-.pdf (sorry: in german only). In short the education consists of 55 full education days plus 24 days of exam and internship separated into

a) the Outdoor Basic (10 days)
b) Outdoor Special Orientation II (2,5 days)
c) Outdoor Weather II (2,5 days)
d) Outdoor Mobile Ropes (2,5 days)
e) Outdoor White Water Leadership (3,5 days)
f) Outdoor Pedagogics (2,5 days)
g) Outdoor Medicine Emergency Care on tour (2,5 days)
h) Outdoor Guiding Practice Hike (9 days)
i) Internship / Work Project with a commercial outdoor provider (10 days)
j) Final Exam as a wilderness guide in sweden (14 days)

Nachweis Urkunde Geprüfter Wildnisführer IWV 

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